Another 1300 beds to help accommodate workers at alpine resorts

THE State Government will help fund more worker accommodation at Mt Hotham and Bogong Village.

As part of a $150 million Regional Work Accommodation Fund, the government last week announced it was contributing an undisclosed amount to a $138 million project being developed and delivered by Grollo Group, to provide an additional 1300 beds at Mt Hotham Airfield, Mt Buller and Bogong Village (near Falls Creek).

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan said the project - among 20 projects being backed across the state - “will mean Victorians can live close to where they work and our incredible regional towns are attracting the skilled workers they need to keep their local economies booming”.

Energy company AGL last year sublet Bogong Village to Worker HQ, a member of the Grollo Group of companies, and under the sublease agreement the Grollo Group will take over the ownership and operation of Bogong Village and redevelop it over the next three years.

Staff working at Falls Creek Alpine Resort settled into new worker accommodation in Bogong Village this season - an initial 200 beds provided through the redevelopment of the existing 27 houses, tavern and amenities.

Grollo Group director property, Martin Ansell, said planning permits are currently being finalised for the 1300 new beds.

“The funding has meant 400 new beds at Mount Buller, 600 at Hotham and 300 at Bogong, on top of the 200 beds already there,” he said.

“We’re finalising planning permits at the moment so we’re hoping to see those resolved in the last quarter of this year and then next year the first stages can commence.

“It will most likely be complete two years post those permits resolving as it’s quite a big development across the three locations.

“We’ve gone out to prospective tenants and businesses at the resorts and working through those pre-commitments; demand is very strong.

“This will be significant for our busy periods, one because it’s fit for purpose, so designed for the intended use including amenities design.

“It also just opens up 1300 beds, and businesses and owners will know they have locked in accommodation for those workers.

“At the moment they’re having to plan season to season and it’s hard to manage operating hours when you don’t know if you can house staff.

“It’s offers businesses certainty and balance, therefore producing a better offering for the customers.

“We’re really excited and very appreciative of the government support, now it’s up to us to make this happen.”

Falls Creek Chamber of Commerce president Michelle Lovell said it’s a wonderful addition, but on-mountain accommodation is still needed.

“We’ve already seen a huge positive difference thanks to the 200 beds already used at Bogong Village and these additional beds will certainly take a lot of pressure off our staffing accommodation crisis,” she said.

“The disappointment is there were a few smaller players who didn’t get a look in, who really need on-mountain housing for their staff.

“The shuttle from Bogong to Falls Creek comes every hour and takes 20 minutes, so staff aren’t readily accessible if they need to be called in, or have to factor that in to their shift times.

“We’re happy this project is happening and it’s absolutely going to make a difference to local businesses, but that doesn’t negate the fact we need the other option too.”

ARV welcomes "critical investment" for alpine resorts

ALPINE Resort Victoria (ARV) has welcomed the state's financial backing to help address the increasing demand for worker accommodation at Mt Hotham, Falls Creek and Mt Buller alpine resorts.

Amber Gardner, CEO of ARV, said such partnerships are essential to ensuring the sustainability of Victoria’s alpine resorts.

“Funding like this from the Regional Worker Accommodation Fund will provide critical investment in Victoria’s alpine resorts to enable continued and sustainable growth for our $2.14 billion sector,” she said.

“One of the key challenges facing the state’s alpine resorts is a critical shortage of worker accommodation, which impacts the resort by limiting business and product growth


“ARV worked with the Grollo Group to raise awareness and understanding of this critical project, so couldn’t be happier to see it recognised by State Government via this funding program.