Harrietville Dredge Precinct funding improves visitor and resident amenity

SOME $1.09 million in funding from the Federal Government's Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program has provided a much–needed boost to the Alpine Better Places Harrietville – Dredge Hole Precinct project.

The project – which will provide toilets, landscaping, lighting, a day shelter, picnic tables and directional trail signage – is designed to manage visitor foot–traffic and address parking issues, which were impacting on local residents.

The space will include 24 to 36 car parks (including space for trailers/vans).

Until recently, people hiking the Bungalow Spur parked at the trailhead, which would become very congested, spilling over into local roads.

Hikers looking for parking would then park along local roads in and around the Dredge Hole, or accidentally enter private land looking for a parking spot.

The Harrietville Community Forum and local residents requested help from the Alpine Shire, which negotiated with DELWP on behalf of the residents and provided some initial funding to create a temporary parking area on the corner of Feathertop Track and the Dredge Hole access road and install signage and traffic control.

The start of the road to the Dredge Hole was also sealed, reducing the impact of dust from visitor vehicles on the residents in the area.

The Dredge Hole swimming area is not part of the Dredge Hole Precinct plan, but should benefit from the improved parking facilities, ensuring better amenity along the access road by redirecting hikers from parking along the road.

Alpine Shire Mayor Sarah Nicholas said the project design, developed through engagement with the community during the Alpine Better Places – Harrietville detailed design process, reflects the township's gold mining and Chinese settlement heritage.

"Delivery of this project is really exciting because it has been developed in consultation with the local community – it's now shovel–ready, so the funding is terrific," she said.

To view the plans, visit the Alpine Shire website and go to Council/Major Projects.