Lights, camera, action

THE Bright Courthouse might be 160 years old, but its lighting, staging and seating is brand new, giving the venue a fresh lease of life after the COVID–19 pandemic.

"We're excited about the future – we're opening up again", Bright Courthouse committee secretary Jenny Packham said.

The Bright Courthouse Committee of Management has been hard at work sourcing funding and organising upgrades for the venue, creating new opportunities for performers, audiences and even students.

Sponsorship from the Bright Community Bank and funding from Alpine Shire Council Community grants, Regional Arts Victoria and the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal has meant the courthouse has recently been installed with overhead rigging, LED stage lighting, live streaming cameras and new seating.

According to the committee, the lighting equipment is industry standard, meaning not only can it be used by touring professionals, but they can also use it for training students and community members.

Members of the committee said they are hoping to do a partnership with Bright P12 College for drama students to volunteer at the courthouse and learn to use the equipment.

"If they go on to further study, and they go to university, they've got grounding in some good lighting systems," Ms Packham said.

"It could be come a fantastic training hub."

The live streaming cameras also provide an array of options for the courthouse.

Performances can be live streamed online – increasing opportunities for ticket sales – or recorded, giving the courthouse the potential to sell DVDs, or offer acting groups and schools a means of evaluating their work after a performance.

The committee has also replaced flip–out seating with 30 new padded chairs, a complement to the 30 they already had.

And the new staging and seating are portable, giving the auditorium far more flexibility in the types of function that can held there.

But despite the number of upgrades the courthouse has received over the past years, the committee isn't resting yet.

They are looking for funding to provide an audio system for the courthouse auditorium and acoustic treatment, including acoustic panels and black theatre drapes.

There are also plans for outdoor lighting and a car park upgrade.

According to the committee, the venue has hosted events for the Bright Festival of Photography, while next year they will be hosting Australian singer/songwriter Jack Botts and the Bright Cabaret and Comedy Festival.